Computers different price levels serve different purposes. Some models Del oriented academic institutions and others in commerce. Involved Prompted Beysika for the development of various personal computers, I find matic, that the transfer of software from one computer to the other hand requires a lot of work. This applies even in cases where programs written in a standard language, such Kobole or Fortrane.
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Scalable Architecture completely changed the computer industry. System/360 enjoyed tremendous success, and within thirty years IBM maintained a strong position in the production meynfreymov. Customers decentralization Lali large investments in the 360 series, confident that their costs and training programs will not be lost. If it was needed More a powerful than the computer they bought it from IBM, and he worked with the same the operating system and have the same architecture.
Scalable System Architecture / Z60 and its successor System/370 stolen la games from many existing and potential competitors IBM.
But in 1977, DEC has implemented its own platform with masshtabirue- me-VAX architecture. VAX family has been widely represented: from nas- tolnyh computers to meynfreymov. These systems have provided DEC is the same as that System/360 of IBM. DEC went on the market leaders in the mini.
In 1970, Eugene Amdal (Eugene Amdahl), IBM Senior Engineer, stre- getting to realize their ideas, a new company founded. It was the supply equipment not only for working with the same operating system and software as IBM, but also through superior-recognition meneniyu new technology-at a price comparable IBM system. Shortly firms Control Data, Hitachi and Itel also started offering meynfreymy compatible avoidable with IBM. By the mid-seventies the importance of compatibility with the Z60 series became evident. Success meynfreymov only those producers whose equipment worked with operating systems of IBM.
Before the 360 series architecture manufacturers deliberately computer models inconsistent with other similar companies, victims Because sought to link it to his client equipment-something the computers would shift to other brands costly "defector" money. Once a customer tied to a machine, a manufacturer of farm toval him (or her) how to use the program - change program east security has been possible, but very difficult. Amdal and others which had IPOs this arbitrariness. Therefore, interoperability, which forced to come to market NSC, for the industry of personal computers and serves as a critical example at the same time, a lesson for the future. It should be remembered, and the current sozdate- whether the information superhighway. Customers prefer those systems that give them the freedom to choose the suppliers of hardware and software.
When all these events took place, I went to school and was just beginning experiment with computers. At Harvard, I received in autumn 1973 years yes. It is no secret that in college all drawn to the other friend largely, and the more progulivaesh, so you feel cooler. There were exceptions ing, and I did. From the course, I fundamentally allows most of deputy taking and feverishly preparing to set-off at the end of the semester. This has become even games. You, too, because she is familiar? Get an assessment increase, and time spend some space? Leisure I held mainly for poker games, which thorium attracted me in its own way. In poker player gathers infor Obrivki mation - who makes sure bet that the maps show how pro - tivnik know how to bluff, and then, down two and two, sets up his the plan of action. In processing such information, I was always at altitude.
The experience of playing poker (and won money) has helped me in business, but all habit postponed to tomorrow-quite the contrary. But then I know thought not. I am gratified that my new friend, Steve Balmera, mathematics tion with a senior rate, the same weakness. Since I met him back in first the first year in college: We lived in one room in the dormitory Currier House. Steve and I were totally different way of life, but both struggling how were you can spend less time to earn higher evaluation. Steve, a man irrepressible energy was very sociable. Paltry decentralization it operates entirely absorbed. By the end of the second course he has been less football Manager, manager of advertising and the Harvard Crimson president literary magazine. He also was a member of the public the club, the equivalent of Harvard student fraternity.
And he and I hardly pay attention to the classes and exams before long days zubrili textbooks. Once we proshtudirovali course Economics calculated on graduates, "Business 2010". Professor different decided to surrender its external. Naturally, we then Steve entire semester most laboratories and other cases not remembered about this course until last it minute. A week before the exam, we gunners like crazy for textbooks and finally received the evaluation A.
But later, when we founded Microsoft with Paul, I found lived that down is not the best style of management company. Among the first new Microsoft customers were Japanese, such Punctual that in the minute behind schedule to send someone to watch us. Of course, all understand that the "observer" nothing will not help us, but they still prosizhivat forced him in our office for 18 hours. Serious guys! It is to ask: "Why change dates? We need to know why. Then we will fix it, which caused the delay. "I still remember how we had to, when we turning with some projects. Gradually, ispravilis ourselves. The truth, and we sometimes postpone some the draft, but it happens far less frequently than might, so thank you sideltsam harsh.
Microsoft began its operations in 1975, in Albuquerque (State New Mexico), because there is MITS. MITS is the most com - Spain, whose team set a personal computer Altair 8800 kraso- Luckily on the cover of Popular Electronics magazine. We worked together since it was the first company, which sells low-cost public personal computers. By 1977, in this business engaged Apple, Commodore and Radio Shack. We supplied Beysik for most vypuskav- peak then personal computers. At that time, the program ingre- dient was extremely important because allowed to write their Beysike the program, and not spent on ready.
Sale Beysika was one of my many responsibilities. In During the first three years of most other specialists in Microsoft meets redotochilos solely on the technical work, and I assumed basis ship load sales, marketing and financial matters, however, Programming is also involved. In fact, I barely twenty jail, and trade is not really attracted me.
The strategy was aimed at Microsoft is to computer companies Radio Shack's like obtaining licenses for the supply of our program leg ensure, together with its personal computers (at the Radio Shack, for instance, it was the TRS-80), paying a certain percentage of us. Reasons for, we are forced to go on such a path-piracy.
Initially, sales Beysika for "Altairov was much lower than we expected him knowing widespread. I published an open Toe letter, which called on all users of personal computers ditch stop steal our software, otherwise we will not be able to earn money for the creation of new programs. "For me, there is nothing priyat- her than hire a dozen programmers and flooding the market good progress rammami, "I wrote. little But my arguments persuaded whom, it seems, Beysik all liked, they enjoyed, but it preferred to "loan" from a friend friend.
Fortunately, today most users aware that the program products protected by copyright. But pirated copy programs are still major problem. Therefore, the United States seek Governments are assessed from other countries to take more effective laws copyright (or compliance) for books, movies, computers pakt-diski and software products. We must take maximum legislature measures to future highway does not become a haven for pirates.
The purpose of Microsoft was to create and deliver programming Intermediate support to the majority of personal computers, no involvement directly to the development or sale of their hardware. Microsoft sells licenses for software products at extremely low prices par excellence in their search for sales. We have adapted our languages programming is the same for each Gold-machine and instantly respond financed any request for equipment manufacturers. We do not want to give another cause them to seek a partner. We have sought to ensure that the program
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